Monday, November 12, 2018

Day 47: QFT and Data Stories

Yesterday (day 46) I used the QFT process for students to identify questions they had about data science, data visualizations, and big data.  There is still a lot of silliness around this process, but I don't know how to get students authentically curious, this at least provides a space to make this happen. 

After they ranked their top 5 questions, I compiled them into a google form and then today they voted on their favorites.  Here were the results
Forms response chart. Question title: Please select the top 3 questions you find interesting.. Number of responses: 68 responses.
That makes the top 3:

  1.  Is Big Data potentially dangerous?
  2. Why is Big Data so important to modern day life?
  3. How does Big Data help prepare our world progress?

The rest of the hour we spent the time creating data stories from google trends data.   I stressed that I wanted them to explore and find interesting stories.  I modeled this myself first with the group.  TBH, some students are still doing super lame stories.  Like, "fireworks and fourth of July spike at the same time" - brilliant.  I don't know how to get them to push beyond that.  They should find something surprising.  I am thinking about making a requirement that they have XX number of relationships or correlations. 

The second hour I had students create data stories with google presentations and I told them they will present them tomorrow.  I think tomorrow I will do a short jigsaw where students share their stories and then ask questions.  I am thinking specifically, if they had a "no, duh" reaction, what are some other questions that the individual could investigate to make the story more powerful.

We went over their test and then we played the boolean game.  It was a good way to practice logic without doing a long worksheet.  The class high score was 154.

On day 46 we introduced the converse of all of the parallel line and angle relationship theorems.  We have been doing proofs and students seem ok with it.  I think we need to do some independent practice to make sure that students can do them without the guidance of the class. 

One Good Thing
I am learning to prioritize.  I needed to stop putting in long hours at school so I am trying to limit when I will be available after school.  If I am going to promote mental health with students, I need to be able to manage my own well-being too. 

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