Thursday, October 12, 2017

Day 26: Unplugged in CSA


I tried doing an unplugged activity based on Abstracting CS's materials.  They use egg cartons to teach strings.  I went to purchase a whole bunch of ice cube trays for $1, but after doing the lesson today, I think I would do it differently next time.

I like the idea of cutting out the scraps of paper, but I think instead of re-arranging them in the carton, I think I would just have students cut them out and we would go over a series of methods on the screen, having students physically manipulate the string to get the desired result.  Some students never used the tray, but I think if they were more movable, they would have used the visual.

I also spent a good amount of time looking at the documentation with students.  I tried to model looking at documentation so students will see that as a resource for themselves too.

Finally, we ended with a mini problem for students to do on white boards.  Then I gathered their work and had students correct the solutions on the SMART board.  I think I could even do a 360 classroom here where students go up to the white boards and write their code collaboratively - afterwards we could debrief the solutions.   This helped a lot because then students saw there were multiple approaches to the same problem.

Here was the prompt:
Write a method called endsWithVowel that has one parameter of type String that returns true if the last letter is a vowel and returns false if the last letter is not a vowel.

I like the idea of making Wednesdays (our shorter days) unplugged days.  I think it switches up the flow of the class a bit and then also forces me (and students) to hand write code.


I went back and did a mini "why we use number systems" in CSP today to help T-up the "encoding an experience" task that students are going to do tomorrow.  I added some articles about the perils of overflow errors.  Students started making their chart for abstraction.


We finally took some old fashioned notes in this class about when you can/should use different strategies to solve systems.  That being said, I think 80-90% of the student issues are with attention to detail when doing BASIC math operations.  I think they generally know how PEMDAS works, but they mis-add, they do the wrong operation, they forget negatives... it is brutal.

Next we are going to do a ACT week-o-fun for MEA week and then move to quadratics.

One Good Thing

Technically this happened the other day, but I was talking with one of my former CSP students who is now in CSA.  I was mentioning that I thought having CSP before CSA was a huge difference maker -- I was thinking in terms of content, but her reflection was really good.  Essentially she said, "Well, I think it helped me learn that I wasn't going to get 'it' the first time.  I had to go back and refine my code over and over again in CSP, so I know to expect that now and that I will eventually get it"

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