Saturday, October 6, 2018

Day 25: Emoji Class and the need for constructors

5th hour we corrected our worksheets.  That led to a lot of questions.  Thankfully I had some examples that helped answer these questions ready to go.  This helped us answer the need for setter and getter methods as well as why we want different types of constructors.  I stole these from someone on the internet.  I don't remember who, but they are not my own...

I wanted to do an "Emoji" class project, but that didn't happen in 5th hour.  They weren't ready for it.  6th hour was a bit more ready.  Still though, they needed a bit more hand holding and I think that was because I had an idea in my head as to how students would implement the task, but my directions gave students a LOT of room to implement the task the way they wanted.  I think on Monday we will need to do a bit more of "here is how we do one of the options" - now you do the rest...  I think the kernel of this lesson is good, it just needs some tweaking.  We are doing this in processing.

We started the "Need For Programming Languages" lesson from unit 3 today.  We did it in 20 minutes which was a bit of a rush, but I was still good with it.  I think the most important part of this lesson is to grab directions that are "ok" but still lack a lot of clarity.  Doing that task as a class helps pull out the big ideas here.  It went well in both sections as we could highlight the need for definitions for each arrangement.

Students took a homework check.

One Good Thing
My PLC is keeping things afloat in Geometry and I appreciate that.

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