Friday, March 2, 2018

D101: Practicing reading AP questions


On day 100 we made a little tri-fold on the difference between interfaces, concrete classes and abstract classes.  I should have put abstract classes in the middle but it helped organize the thinking a bit.


We did a peer review today on the hangman projects.  I messed this up.  I needed to do some norming around giving feedback.  I also don't know how to incorporate feedback.  Students are so reluctant to share their work before they are "done" but at the same time, they need to hear this feedback and make improvements.  I am not really sure how to do this in a timely way.

We did a practice ACT today.  Again, I need to do a better job of prepping kids for this.  I gave students back their old ACT and asked them to answer the questions "Is the ACT important? Why or why not?" and "What do you want to do after high school?"

For the most part every student said the ACT was important if you wanted to go to college.  Not every student wanted to go to college but a good 80% did.  After that, we took the test, students took it a lot more seriously.   I need to do this again next year.

One Good Thing
I ran into a former student at my rock climbing gym the other day.  I had him as a senior in pre-calc.  In a school where some students feel "behind" because they will not get through Calc 2 by the end of their time in high school, he wasn't super accelerated.  Here's the cool part - he is a math major at the U in his senior year!  It goes to show, being super accelerated doesn't always open more doors, in fact, it might close doors if you are accelerated too much.

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