Tuesday, January 2, 2018

D67 - Back from break, ease back into it

I want students to get comfortable reading documentation and googling things they don't know (or want to learn).  I also had a potpourri of things I hadn't really covered yet - wrapper classes, for-each loops and different types of run-time errors students would encounter.

Unfortunately the Java Docs weren't great for these topics.  I ended up doing the googling for students and recommending that they read some sites. But some students were too inconvenienced by typing in the recommended links so they did some googling themselves, which was fine!

I also had a worksheet with Arrays and ArrayLists questions for students to think about.  The goal was to have a chill day to get back into the swing.  I think it worked out fine.

We were booted to the auditorium today.  Students were working on programming with code.org.  I really should plot out where students are going to land at the end of the code.org material.  I think we might have a lot of extra time.  I am thinking of making two different pathways, one for students who want to continue with code.org and another for students who want to do more processing.  I think I could make the processing group flipped with Daniel Shiftman's videos... more to come on that.

Unfortunately the majority of students had work to do on their projects still.  I was concerned that it would be too distant for them to remember, but I would say the recall was about the same as usual.  I really need to figure out how to integrate more personal finance into this content to make it more real-world for them.

One Good Thing
I met with one of our SPED teachers who was super helpful!  I know they have so much on their plate, but having them as a resource is so valuable!

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