Saturday, September 8, 2018

Day 4: Starting content

We did another pair programming activity with even less direction.  Some students really hit a frustration point and were spinning their wheels more than I liked.  In the future, I need to probably provide more structure for this day.  They had to read documentation for random() and mouseX and mouseY and use that in their code.

I am really struck by how many students have previous knowledge in this class this year.  It is pretty extreme (or maybe I am more aware of it this year since I know a lot of the students).  I feel like I need to address this gap somehow but with 3 preps already I don't think I can really make "two tracks" for students here.

We started the internet simulator today. It went fast.  In my first hour, some students insisted they couldn't do it - they didn't know how.  In my second class, I reminded them that they might get stuck and they needed to practice our class norm of "try something" (which is my re-wording of "take risks" - "try something" sounds a bit more accessible to students).  It went better in my second hour.  The class went about 10 minute short.


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