Friday, April 13, 2018

Days 118 - 122: Starting the Create


This week we did a mini-unit on sorting and searching.  It was 4 days long with a test on the 5th day.  The first day was fun... the rest was a snooze.  I think next year I need to add a run-time analysis on the sorting algorithms on the 2nd day.  I think students were somewhat confused why we were doing this.  TBH, it seems like a reason to practice tracing code... it was a lot of tracing code.

On the first day we did the sorting egg activity as inspired by Rebecca Dovi.  I made half sheets for each of the sorts so that students had some sort of guiding question.  After we were done with this, I had students share their "3-word description" of how the algorithm accomplished the task which lead into a nice introduction of vocabulary.  Taking one from ABC-CBV (Activity Before Concept - Concept Before Vocabulary).

I think next time I would try to make all the same color so it is less obvious the order the eggs should be in.  I even switched up the cartons every once in a while so students had a new set of items to re-arrange.  That kept students focused on the task a bit more - without that, I think they would have "skipped" the acting it out part and moved to just answering the questions on the sheet.

From there we did an interactive notebook activity.  Once again, I LOVE these - students throughout the week pulled them out too.  That tells me they find them useful.

From there, we did a day of tracing code and one day of random FRQs.  The day of FRQs was rocky, but it showed me I need to do a mini-review of content before doing FRQs - it is actually a nice way to show students what a "real life" AP question looks like with that content.

We worked on the Create all week this week - four total hours!

We started rational functions.  Did desmos.  I love rational functions!  Students seem to be picking it up pretty nicely.

One Good Thing
We have been having a conversation about mental health, and I realize my go-to is to look at reducing homework for students, but really if I can come in with a calmer and happier disposition to teaching and learning, that might have a bigger impact on student mental health - and my own TBH.

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