Friday, September 8, 2017

Day 4: Let's start content!


Today we did our first Java program!  I was pretty happy with how the code-along went.  There were 2-3 students who saw the program and thought/said "this isn't for me".  I feel bad since I want to tell those students to go to CSP - Java is intimidating - CSP is SO friendly, but my CSP class has 38 students in it!!

The code-along took about 30 minutes and then students started working on their ASCII art.

Next time, I need to do a better job of organizing where they should save their work - with the wave of chromebooks in our school, most students haven't had to use our school computers.  God only knows where they saved their files.  This will be on my list for Monday.


Even with 38 students, I freakin' LOVE this class.  I wish it were smaller because I know I haven't made as much connection with the quieter students, but from what I have seen, it is a great group!

Today we made our devices to send messages.  Last year I had goodie bags for each team to use to make their device, this year, I threw all the stuff on the cart and let students grab what they wanted - this way they knew they didn't need to use ALL the supplies.

Since the group was SO big, I went to the upper commons to have them work on their device.  We made a big circle to have students demonstrate their devices.  Unfortunately, with 4th hour we have kids with lunch wandering through the middle of the group, but the class handled the distraction pretty well.

Concepts of Advanced Algebra

I did Desmos Graphing Stories today with students - it was a great intro to functions with students.  I was REALLY impressed with this group's attention to detail.  The thing I struggle with is that some students get REALLY into it - and these are reluctant math learners.  I get so jazzed about these students' enthusiasm that I know I had some students who checked out because others were participating so enthusiastically.  I get swept up in the student excitement, and we leave the checked-out students behind.

The goal of the lesson was to get students to "feel" the definition of a function - these scenarios made students realize the illogical nature of non-functions for these scenarios.  Think this sets us up nicely for Monday when we start doing Harkness discussions.

One Good Thing

My TA shared lemon ginger dark chocolate from Belgum with me.  It was awesome!  I was skeptical, but it was fantastic!  I also am pumped I have a TA this year - it is awesome to have someone to do some of the "busy work" of teaching for me like cutting out objects or organizing papers.

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